RDRC JT9 Activity Days «Make haste slowly» 2020

Organized by:Russian Digital Radio Club
Date:22 August 2020 - 23 August 2020

The RDRC published a rank list of the final results of these activity days.

In the 'Total Distance' rank list, I hold the 134th place with 41 QSOs on 20M, 9 on 40M and 2 on 80M, a total of only 52 QSOs. The total distance covered with all these QSOs is 223707 Km.

In the 'QSO > 10000 Km Total Distance' rank list I hold the 37th place with 8 QSOs with a distance of over 10000 Km, the total distance covered with these 8 QSOs is 91090 Km.

Not bad with just a self-made 10M-20M-40M End-Fed hanging barely from my roof window. 😉